Uniform Shop

School Uniform Policy

  1. The department requires that schools set local school uniform requirements.
  2. The department supports the wearing of school uniform, which promotes a sense of belonging for students and creates a positive identity for the school community. School uniforms also contribute to the personal safety of students by allowing easier recognition of students inside the school and in the community.
  3. Schools expect students to wear the uniform during school hours, while travelling to and from school, and when engaged in school activities out of school hours.
  4. All students should have the opportunity to access the full range of school activities, including physical activities, while wearing a school uniform. Girls must have the option to wear shorts and pants.
  5. School uniform requirements should take into account the diverse nature of a school’s student population.
  6. Each school’s uniform must be the result of formal consultation with students, teachers and other staff, parents or carers, and the school community (including the parents and citizens’ association).
  7. A school’s response to a student not wearing uniform should be appropriate, fair and consistent, and a student cannot be suspended or expelled for not wearing school uniform. Schools should positively encourage students to wear a school uniform. Principals may consider making exemptions for not wearing a uniform, if considered appropriate after discussions with parents or carers.
  8. Decisions about school uniform requirements must comply with work health and safety, and anti-discrimination legislation. A school uniform should promote the health and safety of students by identifying items necessary for particular activities to protect students from injury (for example, items for sun protection or safe footwear). Students should be encouraged to wear sun-safe hats for outside activities whenever possible, even though hats may not be a part of the school’s uniform requirements.
  9. A school uniform should include items that are affordable, comfortable, made from easy-care fabrics, appropriate for activity and suitable for all body shapes.
  10. Schools must have written agreements in place to set out the terms and conditions of a ‘uniform shop’ and ‘supply arrangements’. Schools must comply with procurement requirements to have an on-site uniform shop operated by any party other than a parents and citizens association.
  11. Schools must advise parents on how they can access financial support if they are unable to purchase uniform items. To assist families, schools should organise facilities such as clothing pools.
  12. Each school’s uniform requirements should be reviewed as necessary. Parents and carers must be given sufficient time to purchase items and schools may need to give parents up to three years to change more costly items. All suppliers and retailers must also be notified and given sufficient time to change the school uniform. Principals should keep on file each school’s uniform requirements, along with a brief statement about who was consulted.
  1. This policy applies to all NSW public schools.
  1. Local school uniform requirements must comply with relevant legislation, including the Anti-discrimination Act 1977External link and the Work Health and Safety Act 2011External link.
  2. This policy applies to local school uniform requirements (dress codes for students). For the staff dress code, see the Code of Conduct Policy.
  1. Principals:
    • lead the development and review of local school uniform requirements
    • lead consultation during a review of school uniform requirements
    • oversee contract negotiations with school uniform suppliers
    • inform parents and carers of local school uniform requirements and carefully consider parent and carer concerns, and requests for exemptions
    • provide assistance to families in need
    • maintain documentation of the school’s uniform requirements and consultation undertaken.
  2. Parents and carers:
    • provide their child/children with a school uniform that meets the schools’ uniform requirements and raise any concerns with the principal.
  3. Students:
    • wear a school uniform that meets the schools’ uniform requirements.
  1. The Director, Student Engagement and Interagency Partnerships monitors the implementation of this policy, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.
  1. Leader, Student Health and Mental Wellbeing
    [email protected]

Changes since the previous version

2021 May 13 – updated contact details on policy statement.

Document history

2020 Sep – policy maintenance, which may include but not limited to, updated contact details, business unit or position titles, typographical, text and style changes and repairing hyperlinks.

2020 Aug – updated contact details.

Key changes include the requirements that all students have the opportunity to access the full range of school activities while wearing a school uniform, including physical activities, that girls must have the option to wear shorts/pants and that consideration is given to cost and how to assist families, including accessing financial support.

The revised School Uniform Policy addresses community expectations and concerns, it incorporates feedback from principals and parent/carer representative bodies.

Superseded documents

DN/04/00348 School Uniform policy and the support document School Uniforms in NSW Government Schools Guidelines 2004 (ISBN 07313 81270 SCIS 1059 406)
3.0.1 School Uniforms and General Standards of Dress S88/276 89.087 (S.061)
3.0.2 Changes to School Uniform 97/096 (S.092)